Release Our Inheritance

by Shirlanda ()

February 22, 2023

My parents have passed away three years ago, and eight years ago. My father left the house to his children.
He took out a reverse mortgage while he was alive; and now we’re being tossed to and fro with the settlement of our inheritance.
The Holy Spirit woke me this morning to come away to be with Him, as I am sitting in prayer and meditating on what to pray, the Holy Spirit gave me 2 Chronicles 7:14. “If my people who are called by my name would humble themselves and pray & seek my face; Then will they hear from Heaven…and He would heal their land.”
My family and I have been in mediations for 4months now with the courts.
The LORD also reminded me to “speak to the mountain.” And I am speaking to the mountain and telling it to move by Feb. 28th. I’m asking the Father in the name of Jesus to make everything, and everybody: Mediator’s;
Appraiser’s; Lawyer’s; Secretary’s; HUD Advisors; Family; and Time, to line-up and be on one accord so that we can make settle before the the next mediation meeting.
Please! Please! Please! Join us in our Prayers, Petitions, and Supplications to our Heavenly Father.
Thank you….Ms. Miller

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