Prayers for sons

by Amy ()

Right now both of our sons are dealing with relationship issues with their girlfriends. First of all both sons are not living in God’s will. They were raised in a Christian home. Yet, now both have moved in with girlfriend. One son is with a girl who is unsaved, she suffers from depression and she is not someone who is prepared to be a wife or mother in any way right now. I am hoping a baby is not brought into this world by them in the meantime.. she’s not pregnant but it could happen! The other son, Zach, is also living together with a girl who actually is a believer and follower of Christ, yet has allowed to give in to temptation or whatever and let my son move in. They get in arguments and recently, my son packed his things and left. I just pray that each son come to a relationship with Jesus – they have both been saved. I pray that they let God into their lives and be guided into making better decisions. It is quite frustrating..and little we can say or interfere with as they are grown and out of the house. We ( my husband and I) are praying now more fervently for them of recent. We can use all the prayers we can get. One is 22, and the other is 27. Thanks in advance for prayers for my sons, Ethan and Zach.
Sincerely, Amy

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