Prayer for my wife to be

by Wayne ()

Pray for Kayla Nelson my fiance she’s a Christian pray for her spiritual growth pray for our relationship which is going good really good we have a lot of trust with each other I pray that that trust always continues we respect each other a lot pray that that respect never fades we love each other a lot pray that that love just grows into a full bloom flower was a very sweet smelling fragrance that essence of love pray for Kayla she just got diagnosed with diabetes pray for healing she had a fever she was very weak she is starting to feel better pray for the healing of her diabetes thank you for that she’s supposed to be leaving Wyatt Indiana soon pray for a safe plane trip for her I pray that she can get well so she can we leave oh yeah I just pray for her spiritual maturity that she bears a fruit of the spirit love joy peace patience kindness goodness gentleness and self-control I would really appreciate this thank you pray for our spiritual bond to deepen our love for each other to our love for each other to deepen our respect for each other’s to deepen our love for the Lord to grow deeper our desire to please each other to deepen thank you very much for your prayer prayers

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