Prayer For Kara

by Kara ()

please dear God heal this pain i’m tired. i’m only 13 and i shouldn’t be feeling this pain but i know you have a plan for me yet sometimes i forget. if you can’t end my pain at least help me not forget the plan you have for me one day, and when the time is right.. show me the plan. dear Lord not only do i ask you to heal me but please heal Hayden, And my dearest friend Joseph Heynen. although I may not be the happiest with him right now he still deserves to be better. and Hayden.. he’s been suffering with the same things I have and i’m sure he’s tired too. i’m really hoping you can answer this prayer. even if it’s a flickering in the lights to show that you are answering my prayer or at least that you are here. In Jesus name I pray.. AMEN!! 🙏

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