Plz pray for my uncle (he raised me)

by Dios ()

A massive depression, anxiety fear but rooted in depression & quit desire to live, for a long time and it got to a point refusing to eat & drink.. He was taken w ambulance to a mental hospital and there refusing to cooperate was sent to a more ‘heavier mental health hospital’ and today has been first time cooperating w hospital stuff to shower and sit in bed… THIS MAN HAS RAISED A FAMILY, took me in too and been like a father for me for a decade and after moving out he took another family child (cousin from afar) and took care of her till went to university. He’s been a godly man, hard working as ever anyone has seen, provide for family and after living off his garden/ mini far… land it went soo down.. HE BEEN DOING GOOD ALL HIS LIFE … and I pray God in his mercy and kindness will bring healing ❤️‍🩹 to him and a new strength to his wife (my aunt) please 🙏 pray …

Thank you

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