Please I need your prayers

by Prayers Admin ()

Please I ask that you help me, help me with your positive prayers so that my situation can change. I ask that you can pray for me so that I can be permanently reassigned to my old Supevisor and department as soon as possible this month in December. I ask this of you because my Supevisor now has caused me nothing but stress, sleepless nights and health issues. I have never been this uneasy in my life that it affects my sleep, healthy and mental state that I have thought about taking my life because I can not take this stress anymore from this person. I’ve been losing lots of my hair and strength. I have never had such feelings before, but the stress is so much and I am hurting. Please pray that I can go back to my old Supevisor and department permanently in a positive way. I am begging and pleading for your prayers so that my situation can change very fast. This pain is too much.

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