New Job/ New responsibilities/ leadership

by Lela ()

Lord I ask for strength and wisdom in my new leadership role. I ask for the right words, diplomacy and kindness when leading and interacting with teammates and subordinates. My role is cross-functional, cross-pollination like across teams. I must navigate the different situations and personalities daily abd kniw when to respondand when to listen. You graciously opened this door to this role and opportunity with excellent pay and the required relocation to a new city. I ask for my learning curve to be measured with proper growth and patience and for success here and productivity. I lift up my request to you and know I can claim victory in your name. As always I lift my son for his continued healing, his skin acne and mind, for his life purpose, success at his college, finding true friendships, camaraderie and thank you for answering my prayers for him. Special prayer for my nieces and nephews for their growth, peace and finding their life purpose. Thank you for my family and your renewed mercies everyday. In Jesus name, Amen.

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