my upcoming move

by Lori ()

I am supposed to move next week, believing the Lord has led me to this decision, but it seems like everything is falling apart. It has been a 2- 3 week nightmare trying to get utilities set up and that has to be settled before I can move in. If not, I will be homeless. The issues have involved cutting through layers of bureaucracy, misinformation/communication, etc. and just today, they indicated they can’t find the documentation I sent to verify my identity. I have to go through everything again with no time left and also am left fearing that my sensitive information has gotten into the wrong hands. I had a massive heart attack a few months ago, and honestly have felt a few times over the past couple of weeks that I am having another one. I can’t sleep or eat. I am having a hard time dealing with the frustration, worry, etc. I admit I have not been reacting to this situation in a way that honors God ….love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, self-control. I can’t do this …..I really need the Holy Spirit to minister in and through me. Thanks for praying…..

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