My Love is not Appreciated

by Etta ()

My sister in law, nephew, and niece have shown animosity toward me. I have done many things for them over the years but in spite of that they seem to show a lack of respect or love for me. Whenever they need me I was there to help out. Now since I have bought a new home and got married they now say you’ve changed since you got that new house and got married. Now you don’t come around. This is absolutely not true. Whenever they were sick, nephew in jail or needed financial help I was there whenever they called. Gave them gifts at Christmas, birthdays, brother and sister in law anniversary. Birthday gifts for my nephew and niece’s children. When my birthday came around no gifts or a card. Ask them to come over for dinner or Christmas my sister in law refuses and keeps my brother away and nephew and niece. She says, If you want to give us gifts bring them to us. I feel as if I have been used rather than loved. I am still the same person giving and always there for them. Please pray for me to get over this pain and suffering over and not having a family that appreciates and love me. Please pray that my love is appreciated. Thank you Etta King

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