My children’s

by Alvina ()

Pray my daughter leilani kamalii waters can be blessed financially with her business on doing eyebrows to be able to support her daughters and have a place and a car of her own and be able to not struggle Prayer for my son Adam kealii waters to be financially blessed to have a great job and his own place and car and be good with out struggling bless my 3 little boys kai-Kane Benitez, ke-Koa Benitez an Lester Benitez jr to listen to me there mom and to have respect and learn to love one an other and not fight. Lord I give all my children’s that you have blessed me with to you. For they belong to you and let them learn to love like you and be the men’s and women you called them to be. I even give my husband Lester Benitez Sr to you to lord and I ask in your holy name to bless me and my husband that we can live a life full of joy and love for one an other and for our children’s and grandchildren’s I thank you in advance for all the blessing that will be overflowing over my children’s lives and mines and thank you for our health and everything that you have and still blessing mi children’s and I with you are the king of kings lord of lords and our one and true father we love and adore you. Bless all of our enemies with abundance bless all of our finances I claim this all this in your precious name Jesus Christ Amen

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