
by Renet ()

I hope that this message gets received with the respect,honesty, urgency and seriousness as implied within.

I have been struggling finding decent work for almost six years. I am currently furthering my studies to see whether that helps with finding decent employment online. Thusfar i feel like there is a firewall blocking my prayers and visions as I am only receiving declanations and my spirit is suffering because of it.

Another reason I feel that things are not working out is because of a 20 year smoking habit that I have been trying my uttermost best to stall for it is no longer serving me in any way, but every morning and consistently throughout the day I know that the devil is still trying to win as I find myself dealing with proctalgia-fugax and sometimes the feeling is directed fronterierly. THe only means I have to stop the above is to have a cigarette which is frustrating as once again I know that for that day no one takes my job applications seriously and it is a constant battle of my purity being doubted. I have prayed, I have screamed, I have seeked counsel from loved ones to pray about the situation for years yet still this persists and I honestly do not know what to do anymore. I know that smoking is not a feminine trait and that quitting will set me free into a abundant life – so it must be evil doers or something that want to keep me stalled in life and I have had enough.

I would also love to pray for loved ones far and few that are going through life and their own circumstances that might seem hard.

THank you for praying for me and my situation.

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