
by Prayers Admin ()

You have done so much for me St Jude but i feel that i never thanked you enough. Please forgive me for not thanking you before I am very grateful to you and will always be, if i do not show it then please forgive me for my arrogance.

You and the lord has got me this far and this life is a long road and i will always need you and the lord to help and guide me through it.

Therefore please continue to help me St Jude help dont leave any of my prayers unaswered, please dont let me down because i cannot go through the pain again. Please soften the hearts of those that have hurt me so badly for no reason, please take away this affliction hurting my life so much. I pray for this and a money mirace

i need you to help me and always hear my prayers otherwise this life will be very difficult to lead. life is difficult and I need you to please just answer my prayers, let me find the money for the sheep and the bakkie we so desparately need, and help me not to allow myself to become the toxin again in other peoples lives, please I pray this not because I deserve it, but through your grace amen

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