Let him know im sorry

by Alexis ()

I have sinned against a man who was the man with and of god from family to his heart, I have done magic and casted out my only godly feelings and families with the demon hand i have been given, I was divine then I dined on the words of lies and not of gods words, I wish to be forgiveness and wish for GOD out lord and jesus christ all mighty to forgive me someday and see i know for that i did wrong but never listened or headed their words of warnings, I come not as a demon but as a lost soul wanting the peace of their love, I dont want illness, anger, or even the fire in my name I never asked to win but only to still love and have the love givin back, For i shall never learn to do magic again but only use my white good for the god himself to see I want to try better , Please lord for I know I sinned and wish to see you again with me, not only with me but walking next to me with your foot prints in the sand next to mine walking me for my better good and not my own assumption and judgment for im not god but only your creation..im sorry

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