Job issues

by Frances ()

Circumstances-job issues which may lead to yet another move. We’ve moved 8 times and I am not sure I can handle move. My husband needs to work as I cannot( much as I would want to). The political climate isn’t helping. He was subbing at a school one day and the students said they had the right to act however they wanted and be verbally abusive because the news said he was a privileged white male so he was a horrible person. He had a full time teaching job and 10 days after he started he was attacked by a student and knocked to the floor.He had to leave the job as the principal couldn’t guarantee his safety. I s it too much to ask for a job where he can do what he loves and get paid decently. We love where we live now and its affordable and we have found a church that has welcomed us. He is 66 and has to work so he has insurance. I’ve been able to keep my depression in check but its getting harder.

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