Help in every aspect of my life

by Tiffani ()

Dear Heavenly Father, I know you see my struggles. My life has fallen apart, I’m living in a tent which I’m about to have to find another spot to put it because of legalities. I have these precious Fur-Babies to tote around as well because I can’t find homes for them. I know I have a few things that I need to work on, and I know that I can’t do it in my own, I’ve tried, and things just keep getting worse. I feel as if you’ve given up on me. I know you said you won’t put any more on us than we can handle, but Father, I feel as if I’m about to collapse, mentally , spiritually, and physically. I cry all of the time, I pray and I talk to you every day all throughout the day. Please Lord, show me a sign that you are here with me. These thoughts of ending it all are becoming overwhelming. I’m tired of crying. I’m tired of not being able to sleep but maybe a few hours because I’m so stressed, scared, and worried about what going to happen next. Please Father God, help me get into a place of my own. With my husband. Help me fight these battles I’m facing. Almost all of my life I’ve been abused in every way possible from toddler to current. I’m so confused and broken. Please Lord, fix me. Help me to make better decisions and to do better. Renew my mind and heart Lord, heal me from the inside out, teach me how to forgive. Show me how to love as you do. Give me the resources to help others. I need help getting Satan and all of his foul spirited followers to back off of me and my family. I feel like I have bad spirits in me and I don’t know what to do. Please help me. I know that you and only you can help me. I come to you in hopes of turning my life around and some much needed rest. Put peace back in my mind and joy in my heart. I’ve never really experienced much of it but I really need to at this point. I’m losing my faith and feel as if I’m just drifting away while my life spins out of control. I need your strength, your love, your grace. Please forgive me for my sins. I am fighting a losing battle without your help. You are the only one powerful enough to help and save me. Please do not let me be taken anywhere against my will, but help me to get in the right track again. I want to get back into your house and praise you there as well. I thank you for keeping me alive as you have. I thank you for the food you provide, the clothes, the tent that I lay in each night, and my freedom. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Amen

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