Help for my daughter despair /suicidal thoughts

by Lou ()

My adult daughter , single, just turned 39 lives alone in a huge city! Isolated .. works remotely from her apartment for 7 years šŸ„² ( no Christian friends) father died recently only child we have! No siblingsā€¦ chronic stress from job and loneliness oppressive demonic thoughts of suicide! Angry with God for not answering her prayers. She wants to be married and have a family and needs a different job. Her boss is not a Christian and always skips over her for any promotion! Wakes up every morning wanting to die:( please pray with me ! I am unable to drive there
as traffic there where she lives impossible and a big problem due to my eye site ! Please stand in the gap with me for her salvation/soul/ and healing of her heart, soul, mind, and strength! She Will not surrender these desires to GOD as we have prayed for years for God to fulfill these dreams:( Refuses counseling:( said it does not help! We were active in our church from the time she was 4 but after she attended a Christian University she gave up her faith where her roots were šŸ™ She was made to believe we were weird because everyone prayed even the women !! I have prayed earnestly and fervently for my child and my heart is crushed at this outcome! I never thought this could happen with so called Christian friends who virtually destroyed my daughterā€™s self-esteem and respect and live for her parents! šŸ„²

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