Healing miracle

by Prayers Admin ()

Please pray for this situation I’m being faced with,I pray for my healing strength and forgiveness.please pray that you protect pr and ef from any storms planned by luciana.i pray that pr will not be the father of luciana child,i pray she will leave pr alone and stop messaging and calling him,I pray she will nvr take him to court or cause any confusion,please stop her from any evil or plots she has planned.pray she finds someone to support her and leave pr and ef alone to live their life,pray she will not cause any problems in our marriage and she will nvr get any money from him,I declare and decree a miracle in this situation please pray that she nor her child will not be a part of pr life,remove her completely lord,protect us from her lord.please pray for this situation and bring complete closure immediately amen

I pray for healing upon jl, remove her curve and may she nvr need surgury and live a pain free life, I pray for success in exams for jl,Pray she gets serious with her work and pass for her 1st choice in sea this year holy name convent.pray she retains all that she’s learning and really understand and improve in her work.i pray for financial blessings upon me, I pray for success in life upon my kids and myself,pray for a happy and holy marriage with happiness comfort love care and respect,I pray luciana will not contact paul nor take him to court,pray she will nvr take him to court, pray she will nvr get any money from him, pray she will nvr see him again in life,pray she will stop message and call,pray she will take care of her child and leave pr out completely,i pray for protection against all evil upon myself and my family,i pray for peace love protection, good health and strength upon myself and family, cover us loemrd from the crown of our head to the soles of feet in jesus name I pray amen

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