
by Wayne ()

Pray for my friend Tom he has a pain in his hip pray for the pain to go away you got it years ago like an injury kind of thing I just pray that they stop having it and he needs to feel good because he is one of the leaders in our gospel band The Irish gypsies band so I need good health pray for him also when he picks things up heavier things down by his crotch money pics to everything up something inside of starts popping out of them I mean it doesn’t go out of him but he could see it can see it pray that he gets help with that it just goes back to normal doesn’t pop out anymore thank you and he also has a serious sleeping problem he needs a lot of prayer for that are you friend with the heels of that pray that he starts getting eight hours a night I would thank you for that a lot God will bless you for these prayers thank you and pray that he gets his appetite back has a big problem with his appetite needs to gain some weight that’ll help them sleep better

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