
by Lozetta ()

I ask prayer for my family and my healing–in all areas of our lives. I have been fighting against the enemy for a long time to see great changes come forth in my family’s lives, as well as mine. I recently started praying against the hindering, harassing spirits that have been fighting against us for as long as I can remember. We advance in a job, finances, health and etc just to have it stolen and start all over again. Very discouraging but we keep pressing toward our breakthrough. It feels like we are existing when I want us to really be fully alive, having vibrant, effective lives for the Kingdom. It is our time for breakthrough!
It is time for us to be released from the hand of our enemy, to walk completely in freedom. I am 66 and my life has been hardships after hardships and, I would like to experience joy and awe in my life, to accomplish great things for God, and to see my family do the same.
Thank you much for your prayers. They are greatly appreciated!

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