Grow my faith, help me to help others

by Carolyn ()

Help me Lord to grow my faith, give me Hope in the trials and tribulations you have set before me. Please allow me to see your works in progress in my life, in my heart and in my Faith. Please forgive my past sins and help me to walk the path if Your plan. Help my loved ones in their struggles and help me to help them through these rough times. I pray for health for them and Your comfort as they travel their journeys. Please give them comfort, understanding and acceptance of their situations, give them Peace and let the know that You are in control and you have a plan for them. Help me to help them, physically, emotionally and with their health struggles, help me to have the right Words to say at the right times to encourage them and to help them keep you in the forefront of their thoughts and to pray, praise, ask, accept and yield to your plan. In your precious Name, I thank you for all you have done, are doing and will do in my life and journey, Amen

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