God Bless our Space Force

by Kanani ()

Dear Heavenly Father,
I humbly come before you to ask that you guide and watch over our sons and daughters that have taken a vow and made a commitment to serve our country in making history as an integral part of our Air Force. Please help them safely through basic training, give them the strength, wisdom and fortitude necessary to endure the physical trainings and exercises that will challenge their bodies, minds and spirits to best prepare them for their future service as our countries Air Force guards, reservists, and active duty personnel. I ask that together, as a country we pray for our children who have grown into brave soldiers that are dedicating a portion of their lives, if not their entire lives, to actively engage and support the efforts of our current AF military leaders and forefathers who have laid a solid foundation for them to walk and follow in their footsteps.
We ask that you provide them with proper nourishment and protect them individually, as well as collectively, uniting them as a solid team so that they will find the strength in themselves and with you, our Heavenly Father as your guiding light shines down upon their every move, thoughts, and wishes to successfully complete their basic training to achieve their ultimate goal in service to our country. I thank you for keeping my son, Noa K, healthy, brave and strong to do the work that is asked of him to the best of his ability. We are very proud of him and his entire BT 322nd squadron of 701 recruits who are all currently working hard on putting their best feet forward to achieving their goal of serving the future of our country. I humbly ask all of this in the name of your son Jesus Christ, who gave his life for our sins, so that we may live in honor of you, our Heavenly Father, your son and the Holy Ghost. Amen

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