
by Anyelidsa ()

I need pray for my self i havent been doing the right thing i keep falling into temptation and what happened last night I think God is revealing me things but I woke up dreaming I had a bad nightmare and I feel scared and I don’t want to keep falling into darkness I need to forgive for my sins as forGood mornings i know is early but i just wock up in a night mare i have i dont know what it mean but i feeling very sc3right and im shaking i was dreaming about that i was in a drak place with my family and alone remember seeing is having this bubble things around my body and i was taking them out and i would see my cousins asking me fora cigarette i told her i didnt have any she got mad at me and when i turn my face round i look at a chair and it seem that when i saw it moved on its own and i would see ghost but they were not bad they wear dress in white they was telling me that i will leaveif you stop smoking and drinking and i told them i will stop and they left and when i walk outsaid the house i saw a whole bunch of lion they wear attacking people and i saw a boy that the lion attack and eat his leg all i saw was lots of blood ever where and i saw that the lion did not attack me at all but i saw the lion eating ever one else i wock up scread my heart right know is celarading i dont know what to do

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