Father could we talk

by Trenton ()

Father God Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, can we talk? I just want to take the time out to say hello and keep my brother lucifer away from me period, but is it possible that he even can be saved I know your the father so the old has passed away and the new has come all of your creation can be saved because your in control and it belongs to you but if he couldn’t be then please keep him away give me the strength I need to conquer him and everything he throws my way if it isn’t of you take it away I don’t need and want it I’d like to suffer more too taking up my cross each and everywhere you lead me, I’m living in sault ste. Marie I know you know that but this city needs healing and help too the people from here and living here show them there’s a better way to live ither than the tears they cry from fears and depression anxiety stress drugs hate racism only you know what’s the matter I don’t but there not alone
I have fears and I know you see this anxiety that keeps getting in my way besides the fights with my baby mama over how she wants to act with me I still love her to death it’s my heart plus she had my first child there’s always a place for her in my heart but not if she keep acting up I’ve been ready to move on but need to make sure I got my life back together I need my own place again father I can’t keep living at my dad’s on the couch no income I need help but from you show me the way to go keep my head clear my mind focused on what I need to conquer when I wake up strengthen my body more and more the closer we get to the day you’ll return increase my speed and strength for what ever you blessed me for when it comes to using it touch and bless all of the chosen ones tonight as I get ready to sleep allow your power to be felt all over my body head to toe thank you for forgiving me and keeping me close to you even when the world shunned me because of what they couldn’t understand with me take away my anger and make me slower to anger and increase my joy and understanding wisdom knowledge love forgiveness strengthen my head more and more everyday thank you for your beautiful gifts i need you to unwrap each present you given me from the music to the ability to protect and defend to how i love keep me a nice person and please send me a beautiful daughter made perfect for me I’ve been lonely long enough also increase my patience with life mercy and let your grace be felt..
Thank you for life in itself all the things I can do and can’t do I thank you for the lessons you’ve teaching me from my mistakes being on house arrest and I thank you for my wonderful family Terrence Harris Mariah Harris Dante Harris Shaqwanna Cole my Dad Trenton Harris sr my beautiful mom’s Sandra Cole rip and my step mom Danyelle Clement my beautiful son Mason Harris i even thank you for my baby mama Lorraine Ellen Mason because if it wasn’t for you i wouldn’t came this far i got something i stand for and dreams i believe in i hated what they done to you beating you mocking you spitting in your face you never done nothing wrong big brother i know you forgave him for what they knew not but when you come back please pick me up last the last will be first thank you for your beautiful word save those innocent children whose been raped by adults and assaulted where we cannot see stop the devil in his secret place with the power he uses to hurt us let him know and see that his time here is very close to ending don’t let your chosen ones receive any chips or Mark’s of the beast and prepare us for the time that comes to pass and even if you take me home soon protect my family and the friends i have left even my enemies wake us up before it’s too late and thank you for your beautiful love and patience for us all in the name of Jesus Christ we all pray amen and Thank you…😘

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