Family struggles & strongholds

by Amy ()

Dear LORD, You are Jehovah Rapha, and I praise You!! I come before You and I adore You! I seek Your Kingdom first. In my life and in the lives of my family. The enemy has come against us so many times in so many ways. He seeks to destroy us individually and as a family unit. My marriage, my husband & son’s relationship, my relationship with my mom & each of our relationships with each other – unity and just overall love, joy, peace, fun, laughter, the passion & purposes God created each one of us and put us together as a family unit., I don’t know how to fix the brokenness or what the step my step solutions are, but I know You, LORD, You are the Source, the Solution to all our needs, and all our problems (individually and as a family). Come Holy Spirit, pour out Your Almighty manifested power and anointing on each of us so that every stronghold is broken and every broken part of us is mended, so that You receive all the glory and honor and praise!! May we all be drawn to go to a deeper level with You, to know You more and see You move and work miracles that only You can do!! I submit to You, and I resist the devil and my the power and authority given to each of us who place our faith in Jesus and are His, I claim that Jesus is my LORD and Shepherd and my whole heart, soul, mind and strength belong to Him, and in HIS POWERFUL- ALL POWERFUL Name I rebuke the enemy and all his demonic plans, schemes, lures, strongholds on each and every member of my family; Dewayne, Matthew, Megan and I & my momma and Dewayne’s momma & grandmother be broken! No more lack, The LORD is our Shepherd and we have all we need! The ways of this world do not work for us, The LORD God of Armies is our Captain, we will do as He commands, as for me and my house, (and all future generations to follow) we will serve the LORD!! In Jesus’s Name and His Victory, I pray and claim all of these things I see with faith! AMEN!! Hallelujah!! Thank YOU, JESUS!!❤️

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