
by Brandi ()

Lord please guard my daughter Sarah’s heart and remember all the times it has been broken. Please block everyone not from You and walk her husband over to her now, in Jesus Name,
Lord if its Brandon, make it known and move the relationship along, put some pep in his step, if not, remove and block him joyfully and everyone else not from You, send her ONLY her husband without blockage, clear the way, send Guards to place a Shield around her and the man You send, Jesus deliver Sarah from singleness, break every curse and chain, quickly, dont allow what that lady said to be spoken true over Sarah, break the words dear Lord, break the curse, break the curse, Hallelujah, bless and protect Sarah, deliver her from evil Jesus, with Your Blood, and only God’s will be done, He is in control and on the Throne, in Jesus Name, Amen.
FAITH even though I see nothing happening.

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