Create in me a clean Heart

by Prayers Admin ()

Please pray that I delight in the Lord, that I be meek, that I repent of my sins as soon as I possibly can with the goal of sinning less, and that God make any necessary changes in my heart that He Himself will count me among the righteous. In the meantime, please pray He provide me with sustenance, rental assistance/shelter as winter comes, and protection from those where I live, which is a decidedly unGodly place. Pray I bless those who persecute me and forgive those who trespass against me as He first forgave me. I find this last bit difficult sometimes. Pray that He account my earnest but flawed service to Him for decades as righteousness. I require His gentle healing touch and encouragement as lately my troubles have driven me to utter despair. Please pray He change me so that I qualify for His help. I have tried so hard to serve Him, but sometimes I lose hope. I feel like Elijah when he lost heart. Thank you for praying.

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