
by CHIDI ()

I can’t understand my dreams ,
Seeing myself warks into a place
Paints with white all the grass and the trees, and there are four big pillars at road 2by the left and 2 by the right but l did not cross the pillars rather we entered the compound by the right we are two so there,we saw one iron truck so l touched it and tell my second that this is what we are looking for,in that compound there are about three old houses,we entered the one by the right there I saw myself eating meat hafdone,when I noticed that the meat was not properly cooked l drop it ,then l saw a woman there she adres me ,she told that the people that am staying are not my biological parents,l her there with anoyernce and meet a man inside the house he also tells me the same that at my child hood that l was misplaced,then l woke up , since morning My cheats is paning my cough fever, l am 49 years married with a child and my is pregnant , but my parents are dead (both)pray for me.

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