A Prayer for Jay

by Loraine ()

Dear heavenly Father in Heaven, Thank you for my life and the lives of my family. I understand that without you we are nothing. Thank you for loving us enough to sacrifice your only Son. LORD I come to you asking for prayer for my son, Jay. He is a loving, Bright young man but He is struggling spiritually and financially. When he was younger I always took him to church, but when he became an adult he decided not to attend anymore. That concerns me because I don’t want him to lose his covering. The other thing is his health. He has gained an unhealthy amount of weight, he doesn’t really have friends and he always looks so down and frustrated. Lastly, his finances. He is struggling to find a decided paying job. I told him he should go back to school, but he refuses. He believes he will find a high paying g job with out the education. He may, but chances are, he will continue on this path of dead end jobs paying minimum wage. His dad, sister, and I try to help him, but he doesn’t want our help. I ran into of options. I need the Lord to open His eyes and restore his faith. I want my son to take better care of his health and start really considering going back to school for a better future. He is only 23. I believe with God He can do anything but He must believe. Please pray for him.
Thank you kindly

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