Why? God why?

by Martha ()

I don’t know why I was born, I have failed in everything I do. I always pray for wisdom and for God to guide me in what I do and say,and I always fail in everything .as a mother and grandmother of six,as a daughter and wife,as a friend and human being I’ve failed . I hate the way that I am. I’ve become dirty and lazy, I don’t have a job (all I want is for my family to love God to have peace love and respect from others) I have the most beautiful humble family. They all suffer much humiliation and self-confidence . They struggle to get by one day at a time . My grandkids are backsliding some are starting to do drugs (boy 23 / girl 20)another one is struggling to stay in college and lose weight (female)19yr other(female 15) is keeping herself isolated from everything and everyone because she hates the environment that they’re in. (Female 14yrs)she’s still ok but starting to like boys. And the youngest 12yr male he is happy all he does is play games all day🤦🏻‍♀️.We all feel so lonely and abandoned. They just don’t understand why God allows things to be the way they are.we don’t want to go to church anymore. And I am afraid that we/or they might stop believing in God,(not me)and going deeper into the ways of the world. We need each other and we live in separate places we are renting with other family /people. We have lost three houses already because we couldn’t make the payments ,so we can’t even visit each other . Birthdays graduations holidays, and we don’t know where to hang out 😔I lack wisdom, knowledge. I hate who I have become to be I wish I could have done things different so my family would not struggle and suffer loneliness and doubt.
If I would’ve had a good education and a good job I would be able to help my family out but I can’t even help myself😣😢
So please pray for peace love and faith,for wisdom knowledge for strength encourage I wish Jesus would come now but that all my family and love ones would be saved I also pray for the world to be safe thank you.

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