Chin Up

by Tara ()

Dear God,

I am lost and have a choice that I’m not sure I can make without your help. I have a physical health concerns that is making it hard to keep my employment of 18 years of something I have grown to love to do to the best of my capabilities however I understand my employers perspectives on my health being an issue and needing to make the decision to fight through the pain to keep my employment, health insurance, care for my two daughters and my family members who need me to little ones who can’t fight for themselves; return tomorrow even with doctors recommendations to take time for medical tests, no matter if it means harming myself more or accept the defeat and deal with my physical health, loss of employment, and struggles to come. What do I do…? I know you do not close one door that many more are not open and I have tried to fight my health…I trust you God and I know you will hear my cries and prayers. Thank you for never leaving me. I know you will find me again in this mess…forgive me …please help me keep my chin up. And thank you 🙏 for always sending your missionaries. You are truly always listening 👂 help me to too!😇🥲🙏

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