Govt jobs , Good Health

by Neha Nikita ()

LordJesus Mama Mary bless Neha with Bank job govt job, bless Nikita and her friends to face interviews with wisdom knowledge courage strength energy patience peace, bless the interviewers to ask proper and easy questions, place Nikita and her friends in the best Company of Engeering, healNehas throat and eyes completely from auto immune disease, bless Neha Nikita Annu Arati in their studies, bless them with brightfuture, bless them with suitable loving holy understanding rich catholic life partners, avoid them from comitting sins in thoughts words deeds and in dreams, and them in your bosom every moment of their lives, increase their love faith hope and confidence in you LordJesus Mama Mary.Bless Vellu Judy to be with you always and with our children sons in law and grand children now and always.

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