Prayer for Employment Opportunities

by Soni ()

Dear Lord,
I know I have made sin against your will. I had made mouth for my fellow workers because I was so shallow to think only about myself. As I now looking into my work, I want to move ahead with pride and your guidance to the doors you have opened for me. Please guide me through when I apply for the job post and I have trying it for a year now. Lord, do not forget me and be my guide to lead in each interview which I go through. I don’t to be in sufferings and overthinking for a job. I want to be at your service with all my wishes and love. Lord, you have always protected and guided me in each small and big day of my life. So keep guiding and making my life rejoiceful from this upcoming opportunities and open the doors which are closed for me. I want to enlighten myself in your word and love. In Love of Lord. Amen

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