Healing for a friend

by Dyan ()

I learned today that a close friend who calls me his family is hospitalized, he had a stroke, I was told he’s not doing good, I know God is able. I’d been calling him for several days but got no answer, he usually returns my call if he doesn’t answer in time, I started to feel something was wrong, the same thing happened to me last year he had a heart attack and was in the hospital for 30days. He’s a good individual, a Christian man and has helped me a lot, due to me not being a real family member I’m not allowed to go visit him and that’s ok because, I can pray for him wherever I am, I am a prayer and that’s what I do. I communicate with my father in good times and bad. I know that when 2 or more join together in prayer is better than me alone , God answers our prayers. I am asking for all of my prayer warriors out there to join me in prayer for my friend/family AL. I pray that my father will Bless him healing, give him back his strength and health. In Jesus name I pray 🙏 Jesus son of God. Amen

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